Utilization of social media as a space to promote democracy is common in public communications. There are recent evidences supporting the freedom of the people of Palestine against Israel. The number of casualties resulting from the conflict that has been going on for 75 years without resolution, has prompted various parties around the world to take actions. Among actions that have garnered significant attention worldwide is the “Julid Fi Sabilillah” movement, initiated by Indonesian netizen named Erlangga Greschinov.

This movement presents a counter-response and a critique towards propaganda and a social construct made by the Israel through mass media. The initiator behind this movement and his public feel the urgency to correct misinformation. Based on Jurgen Habermas’ theory, actions taken by the public are part of intersubjective communication which include a fair communication among individuals, subjects, or actors. They must contain validation based on claims of truth, honesty, clarity, and accuracy to create an effective, targeted, and equitable communication. The public would utilizes various approaches and accesses into various sources of information to achieve fairness and involved in understanding-oriented communications on social media.

In general, the “Julid Fi Sabilillah” movement is disseminating personal information, known as the doxxing technique, commonly used to attack a party online. Doxxing involves research and public dissemination of personal information about an individual or an organization. In this movement, data were spread through social media channels namely Instagram and X by targeting the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) with critical remarks, aiming to break their focus, undermine the soldiers’ morale and spirit, and force them to close their social media accounts. Beyond the IDF, due to this action, the Israel Minister of Transportation also felt the impacts from the widespread “Julid Fi Sabilillah” movement. This movement goes viral quickly and grabs the attention of international media, given the fact that the initiator is an Indonesian netizens and because the Indonesian netizen are known as among the most straight-forward and irreverent digital communities in the Asia-Pacific region according to the Digital Civility Index (DCI) Report in 2020. The emotional narratives presented by this movement effectively provoke other Indonesian netizen and built common solidarity to take side with the Palestine.

Doxxing, generally understood as a negative mean of communication, in this context is used to present realities, to balance facts, to corner the military oppresser, and to attack human rights violators. It has even changed the perceptions and the behaviors of ordinary people who were not directly involved in the conflict. However, as a communication strategist, is doxxing a sound approach to build a public discourse and raise awareness, despite its massive and quick roll out, and could be emotionally touching?

Doxxing however remains as an unpopular way, and is considered a cybercrime for it is revealing personal data, breaching data privacy, and threatening data security. It is also prone to counterproductive acts as a response from the opposing side, and in turn could threatened our own reputation (including Indonesia’s reputation as seen in the above case). In time of crisis, or in the context of fighting against one idea, communications ideally should be built surrounding the efforts to form mutual feelings and consolidate parties involved in the conflict. Narratives should always be tailored with accurate and proven data, logical arguments, while could also involving emotional elements to evoke sympathy and empathy.

A communication consultant should also adhere to ethical codes as a professional practitioner. In Indonesia, consultant should refer to the code of ethics of the Association of Indonesian Public Relations Companies (APPRI) Article 2 on Information Dissemination, whereas a member shall not intentionally and irresponsibly disseminate false or misleading information, and on the contrary shall strive to prevent such occurrences. A communication consultant is obligated to uphold the integrity and the accuracy of information.

Again, professionalism as a communication consultant is very important. It is based on ethics, morale, and awareness to use appropriate strategy and ethical language in every communication activity undertaken. Crafting narratives through a diplomatic communication approach is necessary, as this is a soft power and a skills set that a professional communication consultant should possess.

Writer: Esa Palayukan
Editor: Dewi Bastina